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Friday, January 30, 2009

New York Cheap Car Insurance – Three Tips to Cheaper Car Insurance

There are so many different ways for people to save money on their car insurance. Shopping around, obtaining multipolicy and multifamily discounts, and even increasing the deductible are all ways for everyone to find lower insurance costs. But if you’re a resident of New York, cheap car insurance can be obtained in a few different ways, all of which deal with the safety of your car.

1. Purchase a car that is considered “low profile.” These are cars that aren’t high on the list of the most commonly burglarized and stolen vehicles. (If you already have a “high profile” car, pay attention to the next two tips!)

2. Try to keep your car in a garage. When you’re not using your car, there is no reason to leave it parked on the side of the street, open to theft and vandalism. If you live in an apartment building that offers parking garage space, utilize that space! If you live near a private garage service, inquire about purchasing a space for your car. The extra money you may spend in parking space rent will probably pale in comparison to the cost of repairs should your car be burglarized, vandalized, or stolen.

3. Install some safety and anti-theft devices. These are important for everyone, but they’re especially important for those who already have cars considered “high profile” or those who do not have the option of parking their cars in garages. These safety and anti-theft devices will help car owners in New York obtain cheap car insurance.

Just because you live in New York doesn’t mean you have to pay outrageous prices for your car insurance. In addition to shopping around for car insurance, asking about multipolicy and multifamily discounts, and increasing your deductibles, you may also get cheap car insurance in New York by owning a “low profile” car, parking your car in a garage, and installing safety and anti-theft devices.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Car Insurance Quotes - Getting The Best Deal On Your Car Insurance

Car insurance quotes is all about you shopping around to get the best deal you are able on insurance for your car. Many people just don't understand what's involved with getting quotes, so they don't bother. Or it all seems like too much hassle, so they don't bother. Lots of people appear to have more money than sense, they must have or they wouldn't keep paying more than they should!

So how can the average driver or car owner reduce the sometimes huge cost of car insurance?

One of the best, the simplest, is to get a number of quotes and compare the bottom line. Always remembering that you must compare apples with apples!

When you're shopping around you'll come across a lot of companies that give you a bonus (reduced premium) if you change your insurer and sign up with them. So long as your 'bonus' is not going to be loaded into the next years premium then do it. And even if it is, well, you could always shop around next year for an insurer with a bonus for changing !

But remember to only pay for the insurance you feel you must have. It can seem like a minor point but why pay for things we're never going to use? This is all about shopping around for the policy that suits our needs.

This is a very complex subject and there can never be a 'one size fits all' solution to car insurance quotes.

Things we take for granted can have an effect on our premiums.
For example, where we normally keep the vehicle.
Is it garaged?
Is it on secure premises?
Are the premises patrolled at night?
Is it monitored by CCTV?
All these things make it harder for anyone to steal your car, or to steal from it and so they will always be reflected in a lowering of car insurance premiums.

Also, some insurance companies are offering highly competitive rates for drivers and owners in particular categories. For instance, women drivers, elderly drivers, low annual milage drivers and many othres. You may be in one of their categories, if you are you may be entitled to a reduced car insurance premium.

You can have any number of aftermarket items fitted which may reduce the chances of accident or theft. Any recognized and approved part or system should lead to a reduction in premium. But in spite of all that has been said, although you do not want to pay for things you're never going to use, you must ensure that you are never "Under-insured". You may think you are saving money on the premium. But if you ever need to claim you may be out of luck.

Always seek advice from a local, reputable agent or company. They want your business and for the most part they want to look after you.

Tony Smith (A W Smith) has been a full time Internet Marketer for a number of years and a freelance author for the past 18 months. Any time not on the computer is usually spent trying to improve his golf game. If you found this article interesting you can see other articles by Tony at

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Female Car Insurance - Tips For Women To Lower Their Car Insurance (UK)

Female car insurance is already considered to be slightly cheaper than it is for male drivers, but there are still ways to reduce your premiums even further.

When applying for car insurance, the details you supply are used to calculate the likelihood that you will need to make a claim against your policy. If you are deemed to be very likely to make a claim, your car insurance will be expensive. If your details suggest that you are unlikely to make a claim, your policy will be cheaper.

The following are examples of some of the factors used to assess your risk when applying for female car insurance:

Date of Birth:

Statistics show that younger drivers are more likely to make a claim than older drivers. Therefore, younger female drivers will pay more for their car insurance than older female drivers. This is obviously an obstacle that is hard to avoid if you are a young girl insuring her first car. However, to reduce the impact as much as possible, try and get some experience on the road in your parents car before purchasing your own.
However, avoid falling into the trap of remaining under your parents insurance policy for too long, as the sooner you have your own policy, the sooner you can build up your own "No Claims Bonus", and your insurance will be cheaper within a year.

Post Code:

Your post code is used by the insurer to determine several factors of the area you live in. Females living in an area with a high crime-rate will have a higher premium because there is an increased risk of them making a claim. Similarly, traffic density of the area is also considered, and a higher density means a higher perceived risk.
Again, these are factors that you can do little about, but there are still ways of reducing their impact.
Storing your car in a garage for example can help considerably against thieves, and drivers who may only use their car a few times a week pose less risk of being involved in an accident.


As mentioned above, female drivers who keep their car in a locked garage will benefit from a lower premium. If this is not possible, a driveway is preferable to simply parking it on the road.
Items such as steering wheel locks and alarms are unlikely to make a noticeable difference to your premium, but a thatcham approved immobiliser can help quite a lot. Ensure to have it fitted by an approved mechanic and make sure you keep a copy of the installation certificate.

Start Date of Cover:

Insurance rates vary monthly with most insurers, and a company offering the best price for female car insurance one month, may not be able to offer such a good deal the next. For this reason it is best to use a service such as My Motor Quote who can search through many different insurers all at once.

Previous Claims:

Female drivers with previous claims represent a higher risk than those without any claims. The more claims a driver has, the higher her premium will be. For this reason and to prevent affecting your No Claims Bonus, drivers should avoid making claims where possible.


The "excess" is the amount YOU will pay when making a claim against your policy. For example, a female driver involved in an accident has an excess of £200. If the damage to her car is worth £500, she will pay £200 and her insurance company will pay £300. Voluntarily increasing your excess can help reduce your premium, but you must be able to pay the excess in the event you need to make a claim.

Also note that if you had a fairly high excess of £300, and you made a claim of £250, you would be liable to pay for all of it, and the claim would still be noted down against you.

The best place to find cheap deals for Female Car Insurance is undoubtedly on the internet. Broker websites can be search through nearly all the insurance companies at once, giving you the best pick of the bunch.

See My Motor Quote for more information on car insurance in general.

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